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UBF and Prince George's County Police "Cora Rice Christmas Party"

"Giving and Receiving, is a recycled duty in our community"

Our Goal:

Each year the United Black Fund partners with the PG County Police Department to honor the late civic activist, Cora Rice, who was a prominent member of the United Black Fund. The event encompasses all that the holiday season represents; giving back, being cheerful and sharing joy with those we care about and those we do not know.

The program helps promote and initiate healthy and positive relationships between law enforcement officers and youth.

The experience allows both the community and law enforcement to share one's view point with the other, and what means to live in the same community and somehow encompass two totally different walks of life.

Children get to experience gift giving and receiving and to view officers as human beings as opposed to enforcers.

On the other hand the officers, get a chance to get to know and engage the children they are called upon to protect. 

The United Black Fund Inc. ©2018 | DCONE #8500 | CFC #28836

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